JBK E n t e r p r i s e s
Products and Services for a Lean Business Life and a Lean Personal Life.
You’re now in a position to offer your customers better pricing, faster deliveries and higher quality.  In the old days you could usually only offer two out of the three, price, delivery or quality. What now?

If you can get your sales organization as lean as your shop, you can take over incredible market share.

You can follow the blind pig method of sales, which is, even a blind pig will turn up an ear of corn now and then…. or with the new tools you posses, you can fill all of that empty space you just came up with, from cutting your inventory in half, with more production cells.

Lean $elling
8 Steps
to a happier customer
And bigger Commission Checks

Using the principles of lean manufacturing to take the waste out of your sales organization, and supercharge your sales!

Robert J. Kravontka

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